"The global financial meltdown, the lingering Great Recession, the nuclear reactor meltdown in Japan, and popular uprisings in the Arab World underscore the reality that the fate of societies and communities across the globe are unavoidably interlinked. Systems of inequality and struggles for justice increasingly have a global dimension. The Sixteenth Annual LatCrit Conference aims to interrogate the global links between operations of power and strategies of resistance. In particular, we will examine questions of race, class, gender, sexuality, migration, violence, economy, education, and imperialism from a global justice perspective. Thanks to an overwhelming response to our Call for Papers/Panels, LatCrit XVI promises to be a dynamic and engaging conference. Joining illustrious plenary speakers and honorees will be an extensive and diverse roster of notable speakers on panels, roundtables and in work-‐in-‐progress colloquia."
The conference promises to be a progressive, exciting and inspiring event.
LatCrit as a movement is described as: "Emerging from the legal academy of the United States following a 1995 colloquium in Puerto Rico on Latina/o Communities and Critical Race Theory, "LatCrit theory" is a relatively recent genre of critical "outsider jurisprudence" - a category of contemporary scholarship including critical legal studies, feminist legal theory, critical race theory, critical race feminism, Asian American legal scholarship and queer theory. That cumulative record has served as LatCrits" point of departure, and our basic twin goals since 1995 have been: (1) to develop a critical, activist and inter-disciplinary discourse on law and policy towards Latinas/os, and (2) to foster both the development of coalitional theory and practice as well as the accessibility of this knowledge to agents of social and legal transformation. LatCrit theorists aim to center Latinas/os" multiple internal diversities and to situate Latinas/os in larger inter-group frameworks, both domestically and globally, to promote social justice awareness and activism."
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